
Congratulations on signing-up for your Show Prep from Radio Warfare!

The transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You can log into your account at to view details.

We hope you’ll find your Show Prep invaluable in helping you spend a lot less time on research and a lot more time on developing ideas and being creative.

Show Prep Delivery

Your Show Prep will be delivered via the Radio Warfare Members Area.

Radio Warfare Registration

To access your secure Show Prep downloads you will need to complete your registration.

Just check your email inbox for an email from Radio Warfare.  The email you are looking out for has the following subject line:

“Complete Your Registration”

It is REALLY IMPORTANT that you read it and carefully follow the instructions so that you get access to your Show Prep.

Then just follow the secure link to fill in your information.

The email may take a few minutes to arrive – and you may need to check your spam filters to make sure it isn’t junked – but if it hasn’t arrived after half an hour or so then let us know (via the contact page) and we’ll send it again.